Once you’ve set your business up, it is then that the hard work starts; you have to make your business a success. Now it’s time to get customers, maintain customers and start making some cash, so how do you let your customers know that you are there?

Social Media
Your business needs to be on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Instagram. This is not necessarily to sell your product but to engage with people and to get the word out. Post interesting posts, give people something to laugh at, something to talk about and something to share with their friends.
Target Your Audience
It’s all well and good getting the word out to people, but are they the right people? Make sure you’re targeting your audience specifically, go where they are and speak to them. Whether this means standing outside a parenting event and handing out leaflets or making the most of digital signage solutions in gyms, know your audience, know where they will be and go to them.
An excellent way to make good use of your website is to have a blog and to show your customers and potential customers just who you are, what you do, and what you know. Show them you’re the expert in your industry at the same time as keeping your website fresh with new content.
Do Something To Get Noticed
This might be something weird or just something new and exciting but do something that other people will stand up and take note of. Think the ice bucket challenge or the mannequin challenge which both went viral. If it gets people talking about you, then that’s all you need.
Focus on Videos
By next year, online videos will make up more than 80% of all consumer internet traffic. Not only this, but even now, YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world, and one of the biggest things that people search today is “how-to.” So, if you can start creating tutorials to do with your business, then you’re onto a winner. And if you add a video to your website, you will not only increase your search rankings, but it is fifty times more likely that your website will be on the first page of Google.
Jump On The Bandwagon
Stay relevant and trendy but keeping up with any hashtags that are trending and make sure you get involved. Post relevant content and try to relate your product or service to hot topics.
Get In The Press
Send out press releases to local and industry media publications, but as well as this you could also make yourself available as an expert or spokesperson to the press. Sign up with a company like Press Quest, which is a service which can link reporters with sources who can give them advice or quotes when writing a story. This is a great way to get you noticed in your industry and to drive customers towards your business. Just make sure you are available and willing to help when they need you.

- This post has been written by an outside source – See Disclosure Policy