Why LOA Isn’t Working In Your Business

If you’re starting a business and you know of LOA, AKA the law of attraction, you probably feel like you’ve got a bit of a leg up over your competitors. However, you may have noticed that you’ve been thinking positively for some time, but nothing is really happening the way you want it to. If you don’t feel like LOA is working in your business, here’s why this could be:


You’re Just Thinking And Not Feeling

You can’t sit around thinking positive, happy thoughts and expect somebody to come knocking on your door with a million dollar deal. Thinking positive thoughts alone is not going to get you to where you want to be with your business. Feeling is the most important thing. It’s not the words you think, it’s the way you feel when you think them. You need to try to get yourself into a comfortable, excited, good feeling space as regularly as you can. Feeling content and grateful is enough when you can’t feel excited. You can’t trick the universe when you have positive thoughts but you actually feel terrible.


You Can’t Let Go And Surrender

Letting go is the next step. You’ve put your order in, and now you need to trust that it’s coming. Let it go. Forget about it. The universe won’t forget that you asked. You can’t be too attached, as this creates a desperate energy and can stop it coming to you. Remember: you don’t actually need anything. You have everything you could ever possibly need. Anything else is just a bonus. Remember that when you start to feel too attached.

LOA in business



You’re Focusing Too Much On The ‘How’

Law of attraction is not about focusing on the how. You don’t need to focus too much on how you’ll make a million. You need to trust that you will, imagine how you’ll feel, live (within reason) as if it has already happened in terms of your actions, words, and feelings, and then watch your desire manifest. You need to trust that the universe knows ‘how’ better than you do. Everything is so intricately woven that you could never fathom how perfect things will actually be for you until you just let them unfold. Of course, coming up with a business plan is a good idea -if you’re looking to buy Ag chem sprayer parts, for instance, figuring out where you’ll get them and the budget you have for them is a good idea. However, you should remain flexible, pay attention to anything that could indicate a change should be made, and let the universe show you a better way if there is one.


You’re Not Taking Physical Action

Feeling will only take you so far. Taking action like you trust that what you want is coming, as if it is already here, is a must. What can you do today that shows you trust what you want is going to come to fruition?


You’re Limiting Beliefs Are Still At Work

You might be doing everything you can, but underneath the surface, your limiting beliefs may still be at work. Try some tapping techniques and affirmations to see if you can dissolve them.



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