Mostly the first thing we do when the Internet goes down is panic, wonder what you’re going to do, and phone your internet provider to find out exactly what’s going on. But when you realize that you’re going to be in for the long haul while you wait for your structured cabling services to arrive, you’re going to need to come up with some alternative methods of working. You may find your creativity kicks in, and you have ways of working without the Internet (shock horror), but if not here are some ideas on what you can do if your Internet should go down.

Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash
Okay so your computer and mobile devices may not have stopped working, however when the Internet has stopped working, it could be an excellent opportunity to get a pen and paper out to plan your next steps. Why not take the chance and rewrite some of your to-do lists, note down things that you have been meaning to write down for a while, and get a little bit creative for the short time that you will be with it without connectivity. This also extends to taking customer calls and orders. Your CRM system may be web-based, which could cause you some problems, but it may be a great idea to have some information, printed but you can use the time to write down anything important. Staying organised during an Internet break will be one of the best things you can do.
Catch Up
Depending on how much you rely on the Internet for your work, you may be able to carry on with your actual line of work and carry on producing the products or services that your customers no one loves. However, if your business is purely web-based, then there was the time to catch up on various non-Internet related tasks. You will obviously know what these are, however tidying, filing, making sure you have chased up everything that you should from the previous week, and planning ahead will all take time and help you feel more in control of your work.
Take Time Out
This may seem a little irresponsible if you don’t think you have time to take a break. However, if being without the Internet leaves you quite inconvenienced then taking a walk, having an early lunch, or just generally clearing your mind may be beneficial. Sometimes it may even be more sensible to do this rather than trying to find things to do. A break from the daily grind may actually put you on a better footing when everything returns to normal. So consider packing up and making the most out of your forced break.
It is rare for your Internet to stop working altogether, most businesses have a reliable service, and if not a different provider may be required. However, anything is possible, and depending on the weather where you are sometimes a lack of communications can be unavoidable. Planning for these eventualities, however, will put you at an advantage. Just remember that we did cope without the Internet once upon a time. So try not to panic.
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