One of the best things about running a business is that you’re able to put your creative ideas into practice and create a company that you’re genuinely proud of. However, it’s not as if everything you’ll do for your business will be to push it forward. Sometimes, it’s about protecting what you already have. No matter what industry you’re in, there will be threats that you’ll have to handle in order to maintain your success. We take a look at some of these common threats below, and also offer advice about how you can keep them at bay.

Hiring Well
Your employees will hopefully have a tremendously positive impact on your company, but this won’t automatically be the case. If you don’t have a robust hiring process, then you could find that you end up with one or two employees who do more harm than good. So look at putting a framework in place that’ll lead to bringing the best employees on board. One underrated tactic is to look beyond their qualifications and previous experience, and think about how they’ll fit in with your broader company culture. They’ll work a lot better — and be happier — if they’re a good fit.
Safe and Secure Premises
While it’s unlikely that you’ll be a victim of crime, it’s always recommended that you operate under the assumption that it could happen. Indeed, sometimes just taking a couple of steps to protect your business is enough to deter a potential criminal. There are commercial CCTV systems that will offer a line of defence at your work premises, and will also help to track down any criminal that does trespass on your property. As well as “real world” crime, have a think about your digital assets too — it’s an increasingly common form of crime that can be managed by outsourcing the task of protection to an IT company.
Manage Cash-Flow
You never know what’s going to happen in business. One thing’s for sure, however, and that’s that you nearly always need cash in order to thrive. Alas, having that cash to hand can sometimes be problematic. And if you run into cash-flow problems, it can be hard to recover. As such, look at your putting some cash in reserve when things are going well: you’ll be thankful you did should you enter a lean period.
Set Targets
Sometimes, nothing specific goes wrong that causes a company to get off the rails a little. It’s just that they took their eye off the ball. To ensure that you’re always on the right path, set targets for six months to a year down the line. It’ll help to maintain the standards that you’ve already set.
Treat Yourself Well
Finally, be sure to look after yourself. Many businesses run into trouble because the owner has pushed him or herself to the limit. It’s really important that you find a balance between work and leisure, since it’s just not sustainable to work 12 hour days, 6 times a week. It’s a marathon, not a spring.
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