Deciding whether to work from home or not is a difficult decision for many people. However, it is something more and more of us are faced with, as organisations are increasingly allowing staff members to work out of their homes.
Not only this, but freelance jobs seem to be easier to access, as businesses have become more open to the idea of remote workers. But, is this the right type of work environment for you? Below, we take a look at the pros and the cons of working from home to help you make your decision.

The pros
Most people enjoy the freedom and the flexibility that comes with working from home. If you want to work in your pyjamas, you can. If you need to pop to the shops, you can put in the hours you have missed in the evening.
You can also save a considerable amount of money by working from home, as you won’t need to commute to and from work everyday. Plus, if you have children, you no longer have to pay for childcare, as you will be at home to keep an eye over them. However, juggling work and childcare isn’t easy!
Not only is working from home convenient, but a lot of people like the fact that no one will be looking over their shoulder. Some people do their best work when they do not feel in such a pressured environment, and so working from home is much better suited to them.
Furthermore, you will be able to write a small portion of your home office expenses off when you do your taxes.
The cons
A lot of people struggle to get motivated when they are working from home. The best way to deal with this is to create an office environment. Companies like create incredible office spaces that inspire, but that’s not the same when working from home!
Aside from this, you may miss out on the camaraderie that comes with working with other people every day. Working from home can sometimes be lonely.
One of the biggest problems people find when they start working from home is that they overwork and put too many hours in. You may think this is unlikely. However, let’s say you’ve got a lot of work on tomorrow. If you are at home, it can be all too tempting to sit by the computer and work until the earlier hours. You wouldn’t do this with an office job.
As you can see, there are many pros and cons associated with working from home. One of the most important things is to create a work-like environment with office furniture.

- This post has been written for Morning Business Chat by an outside source – Please see Disclosure Policy.