Starting a business is an amazing feeling – there’s nothing else quite like it. Maintaining, nurturing and expanding your business can feel like a dream come true. If you run a small business, you are probably always trying to reach out and grow your business to its full potential. Successful small businesses thrive because they have found a niche in their market that other companies can’t quite match. This is the secret to small business ownership – it’s all about reaching your customers and making them feel seen, cared for and cherished.

If you are a small business owner, however, you’ll also know that maintaining financial balance is very challenging. Small businesses, particularly in their first few years, often struggle to break even, and it’s only after those years have passed that the profits begin to rise. Once you reach this stage of growing profit margins, this is the time to take a serious look at your digital marketing strategy.
What Counts As Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is an umbrella term that refers to all outreach and marketing that is done via technology. A few key examples are:
- Social media. If your small business doesn’t use social media, it’s time to wake up. Social media is free, easy to use, and the best part is that everybody’s on it. Every brand worth their salt uses their social media to bump up the footfall on their site and create a personal, niche brand that draws new customers in.
- Email and SMS. You know those email alerts that pop into your inbox from the stores you recently bought from? That’s digital marketing. A personal, simple way of reaching customers with offers, news and promotions.
- Targeted ads. Targeted ads use cookies and other data to track your online shopping, then push ads that relate to your recent searches. That’s why if you’ve been shopping for a new dress one day, the next day that site will appear everywhere on your phone!
Outsourcing your digital marketing means partnering with a company that specializes specifically in digital marketing strategy. This allows them to take over your marketing needs, and use their expertise to figure out what’s best for you and your business. Companies such as DPOM create personal strategies for your company, depending on the audience, size and product or service you provide.
You might be thinking; why would I pay a company to do my digital marketing, when I could just do it myself? This is a common question. Digital marketing is advancing at light speed; every year there are new algorithms, SEO tactics and advertising strategies that change the landscape of this complicated enterprise. If you aren’t up to date with these things, your business could fall by the wayside and lose traction. Hiring a digital marketing consultant will keep your business consistently relevant, up to date, and growing in the way you want it to. Outsourcing is a long term investment that puts your business in good stead for the future!
- DISCLOSURE – This post has been written by an outside source.