Digital marketing has completely shaped the way we promote and advertise our businesses in recent years, which isn’t surprising with the rise of the internet and technology. Digital marketing methods are fantastic, and will benefit most kinds of businesses so there should be room in your budget for this. However, online promotion isn’t the only thing to consider, and there are lots of other marketing methods you can use to get your company’s name out there. Depending on what you do or sell, some of these can be even more effective than digital techniques. Here are some ideas.
Put out flyers and posters
Flyers and posters might be considered as an older and less effective method of promotion this day in age, however, they can be highly effective for certain kinds of businesses. If you’re a local company for example which only sells to your immediate area (such as a food establishment, florist, launderette or other local shop) then it doesn’t make sense to spend money promoting your site all over the internet. Your customers are going to be those nearby, which you’re able to target with good business print such as leaflets and billboards. You’ll still need an online presence, and digital marketing in the form of things like social media marketing and Google Ads targeted to your area. But more traditional forms of marketing are likely to work well for you too.
Attend a trade show
Trade shows are a great way to connect with customers and clients who are specifically looking for companies like yours. If you have the sort of product that’s best being demonstrated in person or explained to be properly appreciated then this form of promotion could be highly beneficial to you. The perfect way to gain new leads or make sales directly. Always be sure to follow up afterwards, take down the details of anyone that’s interested on the day and you can give them a call or email later on when they’ve had chance to think things over.

Go door to door
Door to door sales can be a really effective sales method for some kinds of businesses. You might brush it off as being annoying or intrusive, but again if your product or service requires a little more explaining or demonstrating then sending salespeople to the doors with a pitch could be an effective way to gain sales. You can keep costs down on employees by hiring on a commission basis, so that you’re not paying out each day and losing money if no sales are made. It’s fair to say that the door to door era isn’t gone, if you have the right business model and tackle it in the right way it could be the perfect way to promote your company.