Heavy machines, grinding, rubbing, cutting and hammering all day long, will always bring cause for concerns about maintenance. Your entire facility is an asset, just like your office would be if you were a financial business. For the latter, computers, printers, chairs, desks and meeting rooms are all part and parcel, assets that you need to function. For your manufacturing business, it’s the building itself, the roof, piping, wiring, tools, equipment and a host of other things such as loading docks. It’s a messy, dirty and dangerous industry but it’s incredibly rewarding both financially and figuratively. You’re constantly at the forefront of business, making things. However, you do require more maintenance to avoid the pitfalls of wear and tear than any other type of business.
Keeping effectiveness records
When considering the lifespan of your tools, you have to aim for what is most achievable. Keeping records of your tools’ effectiveness after each shift is crucial to keep tabs on how fast your tools will need to be replaced. This responsibility falls into the lap of your managers. After each working shift, a brief inspection should be done on your equipment. Sometimes shifts go on longer than expected so it’s a good idea to keep a general window of 4 hours between inspections. This means that managers write down and report the state of the tools at lunchtime and once more at the end when employees are going home. Report any nicks, dents or severe damage to tools, so the heads of the department know when they need to replace them or when an employee has not been using them correctly.
Danger from above
Manufacturing facilities are usually out in the open landscape. As you would expect, the countryside weather is harsh. It’s windier, rainier and colder on the outskirts of cities and towns. One of the unseen dangers that lurk in any manufacturing facility is the danger from above. You should hire a company that can survey and inspect your roof effectively, in one day. Drone Inspection is quite popular because you get to see yourself, what is going wrong with your roof. One of their experienced pilots will arrive on the scene with a drone that has a high-quality camera fitted to it. It can swivel around and zoom in on the smallest imperfections and give you a birds’ eye view of what is going on, on top of your roof. Of course, the most beneficial aspect of this service is, your roof is not disturbed and there’s no need for workers to be put in harm’s way.
Loose concrete
As heavy-duty vehicles will be driving around outside your facility, loading up on products and parking up for the night, you should inspect your concrete flooring outside, once a week. Check for any loose slabs, cracking or abnormal erosion. Sunken slabs are a real danger to the health of vehicles, so keeping a handle on things outside your facility is also crucial.
Stay ahead of your tool wear and tear to catch misuse by employees. Once a year you should inspect the health of your roof to prevent leaks from occurring and keeping employees safe.
- DISCLOSURE – Please note that this post has been written by an outside source.