Having a team of employees who are working out in the field can be nerve-wracking. It’s difficult to manage people when you don’t have direct oversight of them. You can’t constantly monitor people who are out of your sight, so you have to be able to trust your team. Giving them the right tools to do their work can help them to get everything right, and ease your worries about how well they might be doing their jobs. There are some key factors to consider if you want improve efficiency in your field team and ensure you get the very best from them.
Stay in Touch
When your employees are out and about, attending appointments or making deliveries, you need to be able to contact them. They should be able to get in touch with you too, as well as perhaps with each other. With today’s technology, there’s no reason that you can’t keep everyone connected. Mobile devices combined with the right software can ensure everyone can stay in touch and submit any relevant information about where they are and what they’re doing. They should be able to create and send documents, tell you their location, get their next assignment or whatever else they need to do.
Help Them Get There Faster
If you have employees who need to get from place to place, you want them to be able to do so as efficiently as possible. You can’t control the traffic, but you can help your vehicles to reach their destination in other ways. Using delivery route planning software allows your drivers to plan their routes in advance and take the most efficient route available. Smart scheduling ensures they’re carrying out their jobs in a sensible order. You should be able to track where they are too, as well as see which assignments they’re completing.
Provide Access to Essential Data
You want to monitor your employees and receive important information about their activities. But they also need to access essential data to help them stay in touch with the company. When you allow them to see the data that they need when they’re on the move, you can improve collaboration among all of your employees. It also helps to improve communication with customers. When you give your employees smartphones or tablets, they should also have the right tools to find the information they need and collaborate with each other.
Get Feedback
Another way to make improvements to how you handle your field team is by collecting feedback from both customers and employees. Customers can give valuable feedback about the performance of your employees and how they can improve their service. Customers could provide feedback in several ways, from filling out a card to email or using an app. Your employees can also provide feedback regarding what works for them and what might be getting in the way of them doing their jobs.
With the right tools, your team out in the field can improve their efficiency, be more productive and deliver better service.

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