You can spend tons of cash with little results trying to make your brand fly. Without an adequate digital marketing plan, you will have a challenge these days. Here’s how you can get started.
First, Consider Rebranding
Too many companies are apprehensive about rebranding. And why not? You spend time and money creating a brand, so changing it seems counterintuitive. But here’s what you may not know; rebranding, when done correctly, will significantly increase your ROI. For example, online clothing retailer Twig + Tale saw a 530% increase in sales following a rebrand. A complete website redesign, adjusting your logo or even your business name is standard. Then you can follow up a campaign with promotional products to establish your new look.
Embrace New Technologies ASAP
Branding and advertising are no longer restricted to TV and print media. Today, you need to consider multiple channels, such as online social media platforms, each of which has different requirements. Further, new technologies are emerging as viable platforms for engaging with your existing and new audiences in novel yet potentially lucrative ways. The Metaverse and VR are perfect examples. Major fashion brands, car manufacturers and even real estate developers are selling their products in a purely virtual space with a predicted value of $5 trillion by 2030.
Online Channels Can Make Your Brand Fly
Online advertising has completely changed since the invention of the social media platform. Mainly beginning with Facebook, online ads and branding has gone from arbitrary banners to fully engaged interaction with your audience. Some of the most powerful include the following:
- Social media marketing across multiple platforms such as TikTok, Facebook and Twitter.
- Short, sweet and to-the-point promotional videos for video sites like YouTube and Vimeo.
- Engagement campaigns through socials such as sales, free access or giveaways.
The social media marketing industry is worth a staggering $130 billion in the United States alone. You can define and engage a specific demographic with social ads, posts and videos. This maximizes the chances of a sale by identifying those most likely to buy.
Proper Implementation of SEO
You might have heard of SEO but aren’t too sure what it is. Basically, SEO is how a search engine like Google assesses your website’s suitability for results following a search query. It does this in a number of ways. These include the content of your pages, the quality of internal and external links and your site’s speed and usability. Proper SEO is a considerable advantage in beating your competition since most SMBs don’t have any SEO strategy. Hiring an SEO or digital marketing agency is the best way of optimizing your business website SEO.
Focused UI and UX Development
In the early days of website development, stuffing your site with related keywords was an ideal way to trick search engines into placing you high in the results. Then algorithms got more advanced, and keywords were ranked on relevancy. Today, your site’s usability is also a determining factor. For instance, Google assesses your site speed, click-depth and use of paid links or popups. If it doesn’t like what it sees, you will drop in ranking. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on your site’s interface, ease of use and the customer’s journey through to checkout.
Online competition is stiffer than ever. However, you can make your brand fly with expert rebranding, social media engagement and redesigning your website with UI and UX in mind.