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Starting up a business is a challenging task however it also brings you a lot of valuable experience, it is very gratifying and while you will be planning for success, here are a few steps to make sure you have the best chance of success.

Photo by bruce mars from Pexels
Have A Business Plan
The value of a business plan is often underestimated. If you know what it is that you want to do and you have enough money to get going, it is still worth writing out a formal business plan which included your forecasts, and marketing strategy. A business plan is an effective way to hone your vision, and when you are writing it, you should ask yourself if your business is serving a particular need and if your business represents a significant market opportunity. If you are looking into short term business loans, then you definitely need to create a business plan to show your intentions and prove that you are worthy of the loan.
You should also think about an exit strategy at this point too. Are you planning for your children to take over eventually? Perhaps you are only thinking short term, and you will want to sell up in a few years if the price is right? Think about these things from the get-go and have the information planned as it could shape the business.
Keep Up To Date
If you already have or have had your own business in the past, then that is fantastic and will help you on your way, however, depending on when that was, it may mean that the market place could have changed significantly. While your experience will undoubtedly give you a leg up, you need to stay up to date, don’t dwell on what happened previously – good or bad and look at the current market, your existing customers’ needs and what your current competitors are up to. You also need to get up to speed with how people do business today, so it will mean embracing the digital age and getting proactive on social media. Stay on top of your market understand the changes, make a point of asking yourself each day what you need to do.
Own Your Name
Make sure that you choose a name for your company which is an available trademark and Internet domain name. You can check this by doing a trademark search online to make sure it’s available as a failure to do this could put your new business at risk. It also will mean that the time and money you have invested in establishing your business name will probably go to waste if the name is already trademarked.
Know The Law
Make sure you understand the regulations, licenses, and taxes you need to follow, obtain and pay for in your new venture. It’s a good idea to do some research and then discuss it all with a lawyer and an accountant. You need to need to make sure that you are charging the correct amount of tax for your service or product and that your company is selling and make sure you have the necessary licenses needed to run your new business.
Hire Carefully
It can seem like an easy and favorable option to hire people that you already know and are friends with. While it is obviously a good idea to hire someone that you know can do a good job, if you’ve either worked with them before or they have been recommended to you, however recruiting friends or relatives you could create some awkward situations for yourself.

Photo by bruce mars from Pexels
Have A Goal And A Vision
As you have a business plan to get off the ground, you then need to think about moving forward and about any initiatives you plan on launching. It is all too easy to get swept up in a tonne of new ideas at the beginning, so be careful and keep your focus as regularly switching directions can impede the forward progress. With each thought that you have, take a step back and ask yourself how it fits into your company’s goal and vision? If it’s one you can’t ignore, create a plan for how you can make it happen.
Spend Wisely
Starting a business is a financially taxing process, so you need to learn where and when to spend without overspending or equally underspending. In many companies, you have to spend money to make money, so don’t forget that when it feels like you’re forking out for things but not seeing any return, to begin with. Don’t try and save money on the things your company needs and make sure you keep up with technology. There are now loads of time-saving programs and apps available, including free or relatively cheap ones that can help you keep track of your spending. There are also other programs which are designed to help you save time in other aspects of your business, and while they might seem expensive upfront, technology is often well worth investing in in the long run.
Ask For Help
Get the experts in when you need them. You can’t do everything yourself, and no one expects you to either. You are not an accountant or a lawyer so don’t put pressure on yourself to know more than you do. You are an expert in your field, and that is all you need to be to run your business successfully. For everything else, ask an expert in a different area.
Don’t Chase A Quick Buck
Most of us know the saying “Give a man a fish and it will feed him for a day, but teach a man to fish and it will feed him for a lifetime”? Chasing a quick buck won’t sustain you in the long-term, but focusing your time and attention on the more substantial payoff at the end of the road will give your business more longevity.
Retain Your Talent
Not all companies can maintain their talent, and it is the talent that sets you apart from everyone else. Investing in your employees is essential and is the way to show them their value and worth. This means that you need to give them the tools they need to develop, the guidance they need to do their jobs but also the freedom they require for their growth.
Have the Right Attitude
Knowing what’s important to you is essential. Many people who begin a business venture want to achieve a certain level of financial independence, but what is it that they want when they reach those financial targets? The people who have the attitude that having money means they can buy more material things to surround themselves with to feel superior to others will not be successful in life. Entrepreneurs who pay attention to how they can create wealth which can help others and solve problems have an attitude that can help them to obtain true happiness and be as well as being seen positively by their peers and partners.
Show Gratitude
If you have a good look around you, you will see that there is so much to be thankful for and those who are happy in both business and in life are those who are grateful for the world they live in. Successful entrepreneurs should never forget where they have come from and how they have got to where they are. The people, the places and the things that have played a role in their lives have helped them to get to where they are today.
Stay Healthy
Your money and making a success of your business are both pointless if you’re not around to enjoy it. It is reckless to live your life in such a manner that it would damage your health. It’s easy to get caught up in the game of life and never think about the damage you do to your body along the way. As a business owner, your days are all work, work, and work, juggling projects meaning that lunch breaks become small breaks end up with you just eating what you can when you can. Without good health, you can never achieve real success. A business leader needs to be strong, and not just in body, but in mind too to help you to persevere through the tough times and not only to achieve the success you’re looking for but enjoying it as well.
Don’t be afraid to fail
Fear of failure is very common but don’t let this get in the way of your success. Remember that when going into business, your new path will unknown and will definitely be a little bit rocky. Avoid stress and don’t let the fear of failure prevent you from achieving your dreams. The quicker you fail, the nearer you are to finding out what works for you and your business. While you can never guarantee the outcome of any new business venture, by having a go, you’ll at least be one step closer to finding out.