Many of us are looking for ways to make money from home. In our search for the perfect home business, we often look to our skills, interests, and hobbies. We’re keen to make money doing something that we love, instead of just working from home for the sake of it.
If you love to cook or bake, and have a passion for food, one thing that you may consider is starting your own home-based food business. The idea of cooking gorgeous meals, or baking sweet treats in a kitchen that you are comfortable in, and making money, might seem ideal. But, it’s not as simple as baking cakes and selling them. It’s important that you take the time to get organised and ensure that your operation is totally within the law before you get started. Here’s a look at some tips to help you.

Choose The Right Business
There are many different kinds of food business that you can start from home, and it’s essential that you find one which fits in with what you like to do and the food that you are good at creating, your lifestyle and your home kitchen. It should also be something that you enjoy, but that there is a market for. Some options include home-based catering, occasion baking, selling homemade baked goods, specialty foods, personal cheffing, tutoring, or starting a food blog or vlog.
Learn the Law
There are different laws around the sale of food, depending on where you live and who you are selling to. Take the time to learn any laws which may affect you and your business, and get legal advice if you need it.
Get to Grips with Food Safety and Hygiene
If you are cooking with high risk foods, you must take the time to learn everything that you can about food safety, as well as hygiene. There are laws that you will need to stick to, but also best practices, which will help to keep your customers safe and protect your business.
Arrange an Inspection
Your kitchen may need to be inspected by the environmental health office before you can serve or sell to the public. As soon as you start to seriously consider your business, arrange for someone to come around to check your kitchen. They’ll tell you if you need to make any changes, and give you a certificate when your kitchen is safe.
Get Insurance
Your new business will need insurance. As a home-based food business, you will need business and public liability insurance. You will also need to update your home insurance policy, and add any equipment to your contents policy.
Find the Right Brand Name
Your brand name should reflect your business and show what you do, but it should also be memorable and clearly different from any other brand in your niche.
Register Your Business
Before you start your business, it will need to be registered. Do this as soon as you can to avoid fines.
Do it By the Book
It can be tempting to just make food and sell it. But, if anything went into wrong, you’d be in trouble. Take your time to do things by the book to protect yourself and your new brand.
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