How do you make sure that you hire the best people for your business? When you’re trying to turn your business into something large and prosperous, you have to take on the right people. Employing great staff members can be the difference between standing still and progressing. A company is only as good as the cogs that run the machine, after all.
The hiring process is always tricky, no matter who you are or how experienced you are. You just never know who’s going to pop up and what difficult decisions are going to come your way. You’re obviously going to want to recruit the best possible person – here are a few things you should look out for during the tedious hiring process:

How Their Resume Is Kept
The resume should obviously contain impressive and relevant information. But it’s not just about the words on the page(s). How everything is presented should tell you an awful lot about the person’s character. If things are neat, then the chances are that they are that way in general. If someone puts in the effort to work on their resume so much, then it probably shows how much they care about it all.
If They Actually Possess The Skills And Traits They Claim
Anyone can write a few lines on a document and print them off, but not everyone will tell the truth about them. If you need someone that specifically, then you have to check if they have any references and run a few things by them. For example, if you’re a construction firm and are looking for someone that can work with franna cranes, then you’re going to need some proof; this kind of job isn’t exactly fool-proof and can be very dangerous at times. Makes sure they possess exactly what they say you do.
Their Behaviour In The Interview
We talked about the way they come across in terms of their written communication. You also have to take a look at their behaviour when face-to-face. How they present themselves matters a lot because, again, it shows the level of desire. Also, take into account their overall aura and confidence as they speak to you. You want to hire someone with conviction; someone who can back up the things they say.
Their Behaviour On Social Media
In this day and age, an awful lot of people are up and running on a social media platform or two. We live in a society that allows free speech, which is obviously great, but that means a small percentage like to behave terribly with very few consequences. You never know how someone might be behaving online unless you actually check. It seems a little Orwellian, but when looking through candidates, you might want to have a peep on their social media. Check whether their behaviour is good enough or whether their actions might impact you and your business. Their actions may not affect your firm, but they may just be terrible, hateful, people in general – that’s not the type of person you want on your team.
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