Five Phenomenal Tips To Help You Stay Healthy And Happy At Work

90,360 hours! That is how long the average person will spend in work. It’ a lot isn’t it? What this means is that looking after our health isn’t something that should go out the door as soon as we arrive at our 9-5. But how exactly can we stay both healthy and happy at work, and still get the job done? Keep reading to find out.


Take breaks

First, of all, it’s vital that you take breaks. I’m taking breaks through the day, as well as longer vacations as well. Why? Well, breaks give you rest and allow you to recuperate from the stresses and strains of work.


They also help to provide you with some perspective too. I’m talking perspective in those situations when you are rushing, working your butt off to get something done, and you know you should stop, but you just don’t because it’s oh so important, and the stress is building and building. Actually taking a quick five-minute break to walk around or breathe, can help you and your body, realize that while missing a deadline is bad, it’s hardly a life and death situation. Thus making you calmer and helping you to complete the task better and with less emotional turmoil.

Make friends

The next important tip that will help you stay happy and healthy at work is to make some friends. This is important because going into a place that you see as hostile, day after day can seriously affect your mental health.

It’s also likely that you will get more done if you are on friendly terms with others at your workplace. As you won’t constantly be in conflict with them when you ask them to do something for you.


Lastly, having friends in the workplace is a good idea because it can actually help to make work more fun. It’s all about cracking a few jokes around the water cooler or regaling the person in the next cubicle with hilarious tales from your weekend. If nothing else, at least if you’re on friendly terms with people in the office, you can all have a good old moan together when things are tough!


Be sure your employer is doing their part

Another important aspect of staying healthy and happy at work is making sure that the people that you are working for are looking after you. This can encompass many facets such as being paid a decent wage, being expected to complete a reasonable workload and ensuring that the location that you are working in is safe and not detrimental to your health.

Health and safety


In particular, the latter factor is a key responsibility that your employer must get right. After all, there are historical examples of asbestos exposure at work that have resulted in deadly mesothelioma cancers. Something that has affected people’s lives a great deal and still continues to do so. Of course, if you find yourself currently, in this position you can consult companies like Madeksho Law for your legal needs regarding mesothelioma, allowing you to bring a case against your former employer. Although, it’s always better to check that they are looking after you in the first place, and complain if they are not than have to deal with something as serious as mesothelioma in the long run.


Watch out for bullying

To stay happy and healthy at work, you will also need to make sure that you are aware of the signs of bullying and your company’s guidelines on reporting this. This can help you identify when someone is treating you, or another college unfairly. Usually by targeting them for undue criticism or duties that no one else wants.


Bullying can be a partially difficult situation and cause anxiety as well as associated health issues, so be vigilant and don’t be shy about making a report if you think it’s needed.


Know the signs of stress


The last phenomenal tip for staying happy and healthy at work is to know the signs of stress. These can include feeling tired all the time, a change in appetite, digestive problems, insomnia, and avoidance behaviors.


Stress can be caused by all sorts of things in a work situation, and it’s possible that it can be further compounded with difficulties at home. Stress is unpleasant and can negatively affect a person’s capacity to do their job well, and if left untreated can develop into a more serious condition such as anxiety disorder or depression.


Arm yourself against this by knowing the signs and having some strategies up your sleeve to cope with stress, and bring your levels back down to normal. This will improve both your health and your overall work experience, and as we spend around 90,360 hours there over a lifetime, this is obviously an investment in ourselves that is worth making.


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