Never say “I can’t find my keys” again ~ Time Management tip 10

Banish the words "I can't find my keys" from your life.I think we can all relate to that mad dash around the house looking for your keys.  Congratulations if you’re one of those super-organized people who have never said “I can’t find my keys!”

Okay, honestly, as much as I’d dearly love to tell you that I always know where my keys are, this would be an outright lie.  The words “I can’t find my keys!” as I’m running from room to room does fill my home from time to time.

But I have to say this has improved greatly over the years.

Here are my tips to help you keep track of your keys.

Follow a routine that everyone knows

It’s essential that everyone who is ever responsible for keys follows the same routine so that they always know where to look for the keys.

I keep my house keys and car keys on the same ring.  This works for me and I only have to think about one set.

We always enter the house through the front door.  That door is then locked and the keys go to the back door as this door needs to be unlocked and locked often ~ For the dog going in and out and this door leads to the garden etc.

When the door is unlocked, the keys stay in the door.  When the door is locked the keys go around the corner on the filing unit.

When everything is locked up for the night, the keys go in exactly the same place each and every night.

When we get up in the morning we collect the keys and unlock the back door to let the dog out and the routine continues.

In theory, everyone always knows where the keys are.

Pay attention

Once you get into a routine like this, you’ll soon spot if the keys are not where they are meant to be.  If this happens, go and find them straight away.  Don’t leave it and wait until you’re ready to dash out of the house.

A few extra tips

  • Have a key holder
  • Have a dish where you always place your keys

There are numerous gadgets available to buy that can help you track your keys, but my advice is to create some simple habits for yourself.

The keys go… when I’m at home.

The key go in the zip up compartment of my bag when I’m out.

Well, I can’t guarantee these tips will guarantee that you or I will never say “I can’t find my keys” again, but I hope that this will help you create key habits for yourself.

One final tip to keep track of your keys

Mind talk is powerful.  Whilst you’re building your Key Habits, use mind talk to help you remember where your keys are.

So when you get out of the car and put your keys in the zip up compartment of your bag, actually say to yourself in your mind “My keys are in the zip up compartment of my bag.”

I know this sounds really simple but it works and if you get a hold of this time management tip then you really will save yourself heaps of time searching for your lost keys.

This blog post is part of a series.  To read the rest of my time-management tips, go to Time-Management


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8 thoughts on “Never say “I can’t find my keys” again ~ Time Management tip 10

  1. I have one of those Command hooks right above the control panel of my home alarm system by my front door and the door to my garage.

    When I come in from the garage, I hang the keys on that hook and disarm the alarm.

    It works well for me because I need my hand freed up to disarm the alarm so it’s a natural reaction to hang the keys on that hook as soon as I come in.

  2. Wendy,

    I can honestly say I always know where my keys are. I am a bit OCD about things like that as my husband can vouch after being on my bad side more than once for moving my keys. They have a home either in my jacket pocket or on the counter beside the door. They never move. If they do I can turn into the wicked witch of the west. you have provided some great tips for those who do tend to lose their keys.

  3. My parents used to lose and look for keys all their lives. I have the routine the organisation above in place and I only lose my keys if I have a bit too much on and get stressed but it is so much easier and so simple. Thank you for your blog!
    Best Helene

  4. Hello Wendy , usually I usually leave my keys in the same place forever. This makes it much easier and creates a habit that keeps you from losing them . However , if I leave the keys in other places other than the usual , the chance of losing me to find them are huge .

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