The most powerful aspects of any business is always and will always be its uniqueness. This is why small businesses are the backbone of every single modern economy in the world. What the big advantage is from large business, risk-taking and being creative is just part and parcel of most days in business. Multi-national companies are fearful of large losses because they are competing with other large corporations. However for a small business, being creative is your bread and butter. Thinking outside the box should be something you uphold and revel in rather than shun or avoid. But in this day and age, creativity must be seen as a commodity. Your ideas are the lifeblood of your business because you distinguish yourself from the rest. It’s almost like protecting imaginations, but essentially ideas and content that are being used in your business are the result of thought. Protecting your intellectual property, therefore, is like protecting your profits.
Officially Unveiling
When your business is coming out with a new idea, product and or service, it’s best to make sure you are doing so publically way before the official date. This is why blogging is such a detrimental tool at your disposal. Not only are you talking to your customers, loyal fans and the wider industry, but you’re letting other businesses know too. No one can say they were blindsided and didn’t know that you had already released something similar before. As well as this, you also have the law on your side, because you provide a chronological timeline of when production started when researching began, when development finally took hold, and how and where you were going to unveil your project officially. Document all progress made so that you can show you were first to the punch.
Laying the heat on
It’s gut-wrenching to see another business steal your idea. You work hard, and you stay up late thinking about many different aspects of your business and how to get ahead of your competitors. When one steals an idea that is virtually the same, they are committing a theft. With an expert and professional team standing by your side, you can commence a due diligence investigation that will look into the rights you hold and any violations committed against you regarding intellectual property. The team can check the validity of a new trademark, so another business does not try to take your hard earned image, while also looking at the jurisdiction and cultural framework. Copyright infringements are the hot topic of today’s business society, so starting early in this sub-culture is very advisable.
Patent early
It’s one thing to make it public when releasing a new service or product that is unique to your business and the first of it’s kind in the world. However, this is for legal purposes and showcasing of evidence. The bottom line is and always has been, acquiring a patent for your invention or unique product. Applying for a patent early will ensure that you hold the legal rights to said item anyway, regardless of if others try to copy. With this, you are original and therefore, in the strongest position to dismiss duplicates.
Creativity should be seen as a highly priced commodity. Only you can come up with the uniqueness of your business. If this is stolen much less by a competitor, this can damage your company image and destroy your profits. Start early, think ahead, and stay in front of the curve both legally, and publically.