Outsourcing your marketing to a marketing agency can be a smart move, especially if you are a small business that cannot afford to hire the talent that you need in-house.
Although hiring an external marketing agency can be smart, it’s important to remember that it is also bold, and in essence, puts a considerable component of your business success in the hands of a third party.
With so much at stake, it is perhaps unsurprising that the internet is littered with articles claiming to help small businesses find the right marketing agency, but are they really that helpful?
We all know that it’s essential to find a marketing agency who understands your business goals and can provide you with a service at a price that you can afford, but there are several other questions that you need to ask yourself if you want to make sure that you get the partnership right.
So without further ado, here are the questions that really matter when choosing an external marketing agency.
Are they responsive when you need them?
There’s nothing worse than outsourcing a part of your business to someone who takes ages to return an answer to a simple question. What are the operating hours of your new agency? Can you get hold of them when you need them? If you want to call them do you have to ring their general office or can you call a direct line?
If the agency that you are planning on working with is not responsive while they are trying to win you as a client, then this is unlikely to improve when they have you on board.
Do they really align with your business?
Without trying to sound cynical, many marketing agencies will claim to align with your business goals simply to win you as a client – but do you really align? If your business has a focus on sustainability and a passion for ethics, does your marketing agency echo this in their own business practices?
Try to scratch a little deeper beneath the surface to find out what the values of your prospective marketing agencies really are, and if you have a particular value in mind, then don’t settle until you find someone who values it too.
Do you and your employees like talking to them?
Marketing is a crucial aspect of your business, and therefore you, and your employees will need to converse with your external agency regularly. Do you get on with the people you need to talk to – not just the person who is trying to win you as a client, but the people you will be dealing with on their end every day? Could you see yourself sitting down with them for a drink or bringing them on in your own office?
If you don’t get on with the people you will be working with then you will not enjoy working with them, and this will impact the efficiency of your working relationship.
Are they more than just a flashy website?
Unsurprisingly, most marketing agencies have nice looking websites, but it’s important to look past this facade and to read between the pretty pictures and infographics. Can you find customer testimonials?
If you visit these client sites, are they using the brand materials and marketing campaigns that the agency claims they are? Seeing an agency’s work in action can give you a much better perspective than merely reading about it in a case study.
What data are they basing their decisions on?
All of the world’s most effective marketing campaigns are backed by substantial data. What kinds of data will your agency be basing their decisions on? How will they analyze your target audience? What metrics will they be monitoring? What reports will you receive? And what tests will they conduct?.
Without the right data and thorough testing, you risk putting out a poorly targeted campaign that will ultimately flop.
Choosing the right marketing agency
At the end of the day, it is crucial that you find a marketing partner that can provide you with the service you need to grow your company. Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions when choosing the right marketing agency for your business and don’t allow yourself to be brainwashed by sales tactics and flashy pitches.
Remember to strip things back to basics and to consider fundamental things like whether you actually like the people you will be working with and whether they pick up the phone when you need them.
- DISCLOSURE – Please note that this post has been written by an outside source.