When you run your own business, you are forever spinning dozens of plates. You have to think about everything from health and safety to sales promotions, leaving little room to spend time thinking up fresh ideas and spotting potential opportunities. That’s why today we want to throw out some inspiration and share with you 5 quick wins for your business.

Chat with a few customers
Make some time this week to have a chat with a few of your customers.
Ask them a few questions around the products and services that you currently provide and get their feedback. Prompt them to come up with a few suggestions for any improvements and do reassure them that you are seeking ideas as some people don’t like to criticize.
Your customers will appreciate that you are taking the time to get to understand them and they will no doubt be pleased if you do choose to take any of their ideas forward.
Replace your signage
If you have had your signage for some time, arrange for a meeting with a signwriter and get it replaced.
Your signage says a lot about your business and it is often the first thing that people see. It can be powerful as people will often form an impression of your business based solely on this, so it is important that you get it right.
Take advice from your signwriter about what will work best. They are the experts here, so let them present you with a few different designs based on your brief.
Update your website
It is worth keeping your website updated, so if this is a task that you have neglected, add it to your to-do list now.
Your website should be an accurate representation of all that you do, so your first job should be making sure that all services, products and prices are correct. You should also ensure that your testimonials are up to date and your social media channels are all linked.
In addition to housekeeping tasks like this, it is worth creating new content. This will help you to come up in search engines and it will keep visitors coming back for more.
Play around with your marketing
You could make a few changes to your marketing strategy or add a few new elements in.
You might want to try video production, digital marketing or holding events within your premises or at your online store. You could try your hand at writing a blog, you could build you email list or you could arrange a flyer drop.
Go for something that you have never tried before and that appeals to you.
Smarten up your premises
When was the last time that you smartened up your business premises? Sometimes they can slip into disrepair or start to look a bit tired and it can be difficult to notice as you are busy focusing on your goals each day.
Try to look at your workplace through fresh and critical eyes. You will probably notice a few jobs that you could do with having done, from replacing lighting to repainting the walls to adding a few brighter new accessories, and all are relatively quick and easy to fix.
- This post has been written by an outside source – See disclosure policy