It can be a challenge for new businesses to seem professional in the eyes of clients and investors. Still, some businesses thrive on avoiding the stuffy professional look that has dominated the business world for decades. Despite this, though, some companies still need to appeal to the right people. They need to look like a business that is worth investing in and worth buying from. To make this possible, you need to take some simple but effective steps to ensure that your company looks legitimate.

Never Miss a Call
Phone calls may seem out of date to the younger generation, but they are still among the most effective ways of businesses and clients connecting. However, if you’re running a small business and don’t have an assistant or receptionist, there is a chance you’ll miss many of the calls that come through.
This is not a good look for any company, regardless of size, and it could result in many missed opportunities. However, with a message taking service, you will never miss a phone call again, allowing you to connect with potential clients and investors once you get a minute.
Redesign Your Website
Unless you have spent years honing your craft, you must accept that you are not a web designer. Many entrepreneurs choose to design their website to save money. However, without the proper experience and creative eye, it is never good enough.
Working with freelance web designers and copywriters can give your company the professional appearance that it needs. From here, you will get a website that works and is easy to navigate rather than looking like an early 2000s Bebo account. It’s also worth including About and Contact pages so visitors can learn a little more about what you do, especially if your business is on the niche side.
Appearances Matter
We like to think that appearances don’t matter in the 21st century. Surely, everyone has gotten over their fear of tattoos or anything other than a pantsuit and blouse. This isn’t always the case, though, and there are still many people stuck in the past.
You don’t want to bend to their will and expectations, but if you’re trying to look the part and convince them that you’re a company worth investing in, you may need to play by their rules a little. Whether you’re a solo act or have an exciting young team, make sure they understand how to dress, how to stand, and how to speak during meetings. Make sure, though, that they don’t resemble mindless cookie-cutter drones.
Professional Photographers
The advent of smartphones with cameras made it easier than ever to share photographs of your staff, and anyone with the latest dual-lens technology may fancy themselves as a professional photographer. However, just like you’re not a web designer just because you watched a quick YouTube video, you’re not a photographer because you have a 24MP camera at your disposal.
The pictures you take may be crisp, but the framing is all wrong, and because of this, you should hire a professional business photographer to take promotional pictures for your brand. With their understanding of how to take the perfect photo, you can use these on social media pages and your website to promote your brand and look more professional than you have ever been.

Host an Event
Events are a fantastic way to get your foot in the door and announce your presence. As you rarely see events from small upstart businesses, this can present you as a company that knows what they are doing.
However, events can be expensive, so it is beneficial to work with other local businesses as sponsors to ease some of the financial pressure. By hosting an event, you get to spread the word about your company and maybe attract the attention of some important industry giants that like the look of you. While it can be a little risky to host an event early on, if it pays off, you can expect to see the growth you need sooner rather than later.
Looking the Part
Looking the part is a surefire way to attract interest and investors. This is true even if your brand comes across as casual. You will soon find out that there is little time for casualness when it comes to pushing your business towards success, and your investors want to see someone they can rely on to repay their faith. The good news is that even if you don’t feel the part right now, you will get there eventually, and these five steps will make that journey much more comfortable.
- DISCLOSURE – This post has been written by an outside source.