Some people like to focus on accuracy over precision, but you might be thinking that they’re the same thing? If you are precise in your execution, then surely you are accurate as well? Well, actually it’s not. You can be accurate and precise, you can be accurate but not precise, and you can be precise but not accurate.

Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay
What’s the difference between accuracy and precision?
Accuracy and precision are both used in regards to measuring, and while they are very alike because they both refer to the quality of measurement, they are very different indicators of measurement. Accuracy is the degree of veracity while precision is the degree of reproducibility, so a measurement that is precise means that it agrees with other measures of the same thing, in other words, accuracy can be determined by one measurement while many measurements are needed to assess precision.
The Importance of Accuracy at Work
There aren’t really any jobs where accuracy isn’t important, think about your job and what you do every day, how important is it that you are accurate at what you do? It’s likely that it’s very important that you’re accurate but to be precise as well to help the company grow, profit, and function efficiently. It is also important to be accurate in a business when it comes to budgeting, expenses and financial projections.
Accuracy is also important when it comes to your brand’s image because if your company is providing inaccurate information, then this could look like your company is being unethical, unprofessional and not trustworthy.
Inaccuracy Costs You Money
Think about how mistakes in payroll can affect your business. Small mistakes due to inaccuracy can end up causing big problems. However, we are all humans, and the reality is that mistakes are inevitable, but there are many ways how we can decrease them from happening. Whether it’s a case of upgrading your technology, making sure you have the right equipment and depending on what industry you’re in, that could be anything from a timer to turbine flow meters.
Caring Builds Accuracy
If you care about what you are doing, then there is less chance of mistakes. Caring about what you’re doing means you will more likely educate yourself and do a more accurate job.
The Importance Of Precision at Work
Precision is defined by the dictionary as ‘the quality, condition or fact of being exact and accurate.’ Being precise in everything that you do may seem like a lot of hard work and effort at first, but just like everything else, it becomes routine once you get used to it.
Precision gets results, and if you make it best and standard practice to operate with accuracy, quality and precision in your business, from the smallest job to the largest, then you will always be improving, and because of that, you will see your performance and results improve.
Both accuracy and precision go hand in hand and are important to focus on both to get the best results in your business.

- This post has been written by an outside source – Please see my disclosure policy.