Owning and selling a brand means you need to invest in quality. You want your customers to know they’re getting something valuable out of the deal, and that every penny they’ve paid was worth it! If you’re a small business, or a micro business working out of your home, your company integrity relies on this.
But the world around us needs market entities, big and small alike, to be a little more eco friendly with how they operate. After all, businesses churn out most of the waste currently in the world; just think of the amount of used up paper you chuck in the wastebasket day by day.
So, now’s the time to get a little more environmentally minded, as well as boosting your brand to better levels of recognition. Your green earth mission can be a selling point in itself you know!

Think About Your Packaging
Packaging is something every business with a shipping option needs to invest in. Even if you’re just running a blog and selling your own little line of merchandise at the same time, you’re going to need to wrap things up well. You want the quality to be retained in transit, and you don’t want your good reviews marred by a customer’s faulty delivery experience.
Investing in something like Printed Tissue Paper, for example, is a great way to retain the quality of any products you wrap up and send out, or to line the inside of the subscription boxes you pride yourself on. Tissue paper acts as a great buffer, and it’s a lot better for the environment than packing peanuts! After all, if it’s quality paper, it can be presented as an extra little gift inside the box, and if used as wrapping, a customer is very likely to hang onto it!
Plant Some Trees
Not just randomly, but feel free to do that as well! Every time you sell a product, or every time you sell 5 or 10, start planting some flowers and trees in the ground in celebration. Write out a little email to every 5th or 10th customer to tell them their purchase gave life to another tree, and even let them name the sapling to make the news a little more personal. It’s a great way to give back via your mailing list.
Just remember, if you take the time and effort to add to the world around you, your brand has much more intrinsic value to it. It’s not only part of your local economy, but part of the local environment as well. Search engines like Ecosia do a similar thing, and it’s proving to be incredibly popular! If you’re worried about running out of planting room, invest in a community garden, or a local allotment, to expand your business.
So, being an eco friendly business isn’t as hard as it first sounds. There’s a lot of ways you can retain and increase your brand quality, so don’t miss out on making this kind of change.

- This post has been written by an outside source – See Disclosure Policy