Earning the respect of your employees is so important if you want them to work hard. A lot of bosses make the mistake of thinking that they can demand respect from their employees because they’re in a position of power but that isn’t going to work. They will still do as you say but unless you earn their respect, they’re not going to go that extra mile to work hard and make your business a success. Instead, they’ll do the bare minimum and collect their paycheck at the end of every month. If you feel that your employees don’t respect you and they aren’t working hard, there are a lot of potential reasons for it. These are some of the reasons why your employees don’t respect you and what you can do about it.

You Micromanage Them
Respect is a 2 way street and if you don’t recognize the value in your employees and treat them like adults, your employees aren’t going to respect you. A lot of bosses have a problem with micromanaging their employees and trying to tell them how to do every little aspect of their job. They have the best intentions a lot of the time but it’s important that you know how to relinquish control and delegate work. You hired these people for a reason, so just let them get on with their job and they’ll respect you a lot more. Often, it’s simply a lack of management experience and know-how which leads to micromanaging so it can be common with new business owners. If you don’t have that much experience as a manager and you want to open your own business, it’s best to do a management skills course first. It will teach you how to delegate effectively and how to motivate a team properly and earn their respect so they work far more productively. It’s a lot harder than people realize to be a good boss and a little bit of training can go a long way.
You Don’t Reward Them For Hard Work
This is an important one because people aren’t going to offer you respect if you don’t recognize and reward their hard work because they won’t feel like you respect them. Paying a good salary is one of the most important things if you want to keep your best employees for a long time. It’s also important that you offer people pay increases if they’ve been with you for a long time. It’s not just about money either, sometimes people just want to feel that their work is appreciated so a simple thank you can make a big difference.
You’re Unreliable
You expect your employees to show up to work on time and complete projects on time to a certain standard. But if you don’t hold yourself to that standard, how is anybody supposed to respect you? If you’re turning up to the office at lunchtime every day and then sitting around doing nothing, that isn’t going to play well with your employees and they won’t respect you at all. Reliability is a key quality in any good boss so make sure that you’re there for your employees when they need you.
These are the most common reasons that your employees don’t respect you and if you’re guilty of any of these mistakes, you need to make some changes right away.

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