5 Tips For Creating A Noticeable Brand

DISCLOSURE This post has been written for the Morning Business Chat blog by an outside source and published in return for money.  I hope as always you find this information helpful.

When building a brand, you have to consider everything from your logo, color scheme to the tagline. Think about the name of your brand, message, support system, and the necessary legal requirements such as getting a trademark. Creating a successful brand is not an easy task. Branding is the most valuable asset in any company. Here are five tips for building a noticeable brand.

How do people see you?

When it comes to personal brands, it is never about what you say about the brand; it is all about what other people say. The best place to start when creating a noticeable brand is to know what other people think of you. You can find out other people’s view on you by googling yourself, holding a focus group with close friends, or ask a life coach to conduct a 360 analysis on your behalf.

5 Tips For Creating A Noticeable Brand

Build your Online Platform

Create your online platform such as a blog then advertise your content and engage your audience on social networks. There are several social networks at your disposal. Use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or even Pinterest. Just look for the social network that fits you well. Do not wait to become perfect. Just start. Keep in mind the following pointers when building your online platform:

    • Be original
    • Have a unique voice
    • Create a memorable design
    • Have a memorable slogan that expresses your purpose
    • Empower your followers

Also, remember to make use of the power of content marketing, guest blogging, and networking. Your branding should be a large part of everything you do. The brand you are selling online should be in every action with friends and business colleague. For example, if your blog is about helping upcoming entrepreneurs, try to be that person people read about online in all events you attend.

Be consistent

As a consumer, think about the brands you always follow. The chances are that they earned your trust because they are reliable. For example, Dropbox will include its signature hand-drawn blue box logo on all its messaging. Let all your communications and marketing tell a story about your brand.

Stop trying to please everyone 

Quit trying to be everything to everyone. Aim at being the best brand possible to a target audience. If you decide to please everyone, you will end up with frustrations and you your brand will fail. Do not be ashamed to be yourself, even if it means saying things that no one will say. The idea here is that you are not in business to please everyone, but to grow a business.

Associate Yourself with Strong Brands

The level of connections with other brands is what will strengthen or weaken your brand. Find and connect with strong brands that can increase your value. You can begin by looking at the humblesignco.com (Houston). You can borrow ideas from such brands on how to spread brand awareness.

A substantial brand building can transform your business from a small player to a successful competitor.  

When building a brand, you have to consider everything from your logo, color scheme to the tagline. Think about the name of your brand, message, support system, and the necessary legal requirements such as getting a trademark. Creating a successful brand is not an easy task. Branding is the most valuable asset in any company. Here are five tips for building a noticeable brand.

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