VIP, skip-the-queue club entry. Next day Amazon Prime parcels. Uber Eats delivering in a matter of minutes. We’re not used to waiting for much these days – our consumerism is set to fast track. So why aren’t our careers? Sometimes it seems like opportunities are so limited, you’re not getting anywhere fast. Getting ahead early means getting progressing faster, getting promoted quicker and therefore earning more over the lifespan of your career. So if you feel like you’re stuck in second gear when it comes to your prospects, kick it up a notch with these steps to get started.
Find A Mentor
When it comes to the world of work, there’s a time and a place to talk yourself up (namely in the interview room) and also a time and a place to locate some humility. There is always an opportunity to learn from others. It could be something simple, like the way they structure their working day to be more productive. It could be their style of presenting in meetings. Or you could go the route of an official mentor who has knowledge to share about your chosen career. Don’t be afraid to approach someone senior and invite them for a coffee. Most will be eager to share what they know if approached in the right manner. Perhaps you could even reciprocate by reverse mentoring and sharing some tips on networking on LinkedIn or developing a social media profile.
Know What Your Barriers Are
It’s worth being aware of your own strengths and weaknesses – and especially what exactly is holding you back. For some, it may be a fear of public speaking. Or perhaps you have lots of career plus points, but lack interview skills. Find the areas you need to work on and make a plan of action. What certifications would help you climb the career ladder? If you need to search out Graduate programmes in Qld, then do just that. Upskilling on your own initiative is something attractive in itself to potential employees.
Seek Out Leadership Opportunities
Getting stuck in a rut can also be down to a lack of relevant opportunity, but if you’re serious about success you can’t afford to wait for it to come and find you. Ask for higher profile projects at work and be prepared to work hard to make them a success. If you get told you’re not ready for a more challenging workload, find out what you need to do to get there – and ask to shadow someone on larger projects in the meantime – persistence pays off.
Create a Timeline and Goals
The simple practice of creating a list of goals is still a powerful one. The important part is to make sure that you have a clear timeline attached. Know the difference between being realistic but also ambitious. Break your goals down into smaller milestones that will help you to make progress, but that won’t make you feel overwhelmed. Seek out the profiles of people in positions you admire and take a look at the steps and how they achieved their progress as a model to follow.
- This post has been written for Morning Business Chat by an outside source