Describe your business as you want it (NO Limitations)

Attract your ideal business – This law of attraction exercise will help you to manifest your ideal business. On this blog, I’m all about helping you to create your ideal business and life.  Today I want to encourage you to describe the business you really want to manifest.  This is a powerful law of attraction exercise.

Describe your business exactly as you want it

By getting clear about what you want, describing it and focusing on it, you are letting the universe know that this is what you want and asking the universe to help you get it.  It’s a bit like putting your order in.

Are you ready? Let’s do this.  Just follow along with the steps below.  If you have any questions, leave me a comment below or message me on Facebook.

Describe your ideal business

1. Get clarity

Clarity is the first step of the law of attraction process.  If you haven’t already, go ahead and download the FREE Ideal Business Workbook – This workbook will help you gain clarity and focus in your business.

A few things to think about are…

  • How many hours do you work?  Are they set times?
  • Where is your business based?  Where do you work?
  • What is your work environment like?
  • Do you work alone, with a team, do you employ people?
  • What is your business income
  • Your day to day business life
  • What about your personal life and how this connects with your business…

A few things to keep in mind – This is YOUR dream business.  No limitations, not what other people consider to be a success, be completely true to yourself.

2. Your ideal business day

Imagine that right now, you already have the business you want.  Describe it.  Write it down.  Start from when you first wake up right through to going to sleep.  The reason I ask you to do this is that I absolutely believe that your ideal business must allow you to have your ideal life too.

What are you doing at each stage of the day, who are you with, where are you…?  Also, focus on how you feel.  Feelings are super important when it comes to the law of attraction.

Recommended reading Attract your ideal business day 

3. The big picture

Now think about your business overall – Describe it in as much detail as you can.  Don’t worry if you aren’t yet clear about everything.  Just write about the things that you know are a part of your ideal business and make sure this is true for you.

In the video below, I answer questions about understanding your ideal business.  Just remember that there are no rules or limitations.

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4. Describe yourself

Now describe yourself.  I want you to really get to know this version of you and from this moment on, step into being that person.  Once you have this clear picture written down get into the habit of spending time every day visualizing yourself as this person.  Really enjoy this process.

Describe your ideal business exactly as you want it exercise  – Recap

  1. Download the Free Workbook and complete
  2. Describe your perfect business day
  3. Describe your overall ideal business – Watch the video
  4. Describe yourself exactly as you want to be

Business Downloads

I have a few more business downloads to tell you about, all designed to help you create your ideal business.

BUSINESS BOOSTER WORKBOOK – This is a really powerful law of attraction based workbook to give you business a boost. This is a pay what you want download which means you are more than welcome to add £0 in the payment box and if you decide to add a small payment, that is very much appreciated.

LAW OF ATTRACTION BUSINESS PLANNING PACK – This download will really help you to consistently use the law of attraction to help you create the business you want. At the time of writing this blog post this download is just £9.99

Pin the image below and please share to your favourite social media site.  Thanks.

As always wishing you every success in all areas of your life.  Wendy x

law of attraction for business success exercise - Describe your business exactly as you want it.

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