How to let go of the past and move on in your business

Do you hold onto the past? Maybe past mistakes, an old business or business partnership that didn’t end well? If you do. it’s time to let go. Here are some tips to let go of the past and move forward creating the business you want.

Love and accept yourself

Start with loving and accepting yourself. You’re absolutely perfect right now. That doesn’t mean that you don’t want to improve things, learn or grow as a person. It simply means you love yourself and accept whatever has gone before. You can’t change it, so anything else is a waste of time.

Forgive the past

Forgiveness sets you free – YES, SERIOUSLY. WHo do you need to forgive or what do you need to forgive? It may be yourself, a business contact, a business partner, an employee, a family member, the government, the recession… Even if you can feel forgiveness, start off by saying I am open to forgiving… Be specific if you can. EXAMPLE: I forgive my ex-business partner for not believing in the business enough to stick with it. I am open to forgiving my spouse for not supporting me in my business. I forgive myself for making silly decisions that cost me so much money…

Right here, right now

Understand that you can ONLY deal with right now. The past can never be changed, so focusing your attention there drains your energy. Also, if you stay focused on the past, you make yourself a match to recreate it in your present. So, if you had a bad experience with one business and you keep focusing on that, when you start a new business, your energy is a match to create problems in your business again.
Instead, focus on now. Create goals for your business, focus on what’s going well in your business, focus on creating your ideal business and enjoy the present time.
In business, do you hold onto past mistakes? It's time to let go of the past and allow yourself to create the business you now want.

Hypnosis for business success

Try Hypnosis downloads to help you create a success mindset. I’m a big fan of hypnosis downloads.  They’re relaxing at the end of a business day and they’re so easy to use to create a success mindset (or whatever else you want).
I, personally pop the hypnosis download of my choice on at bedtime and often fall asleep listening (which is absolutely fine).  If there’s something I feel is really blocking me, I will also, where possible make time to listen to the download in the morning too.

Affirmation – I release the past

Affirmations are positive statements we say to ourselves.  A great affirmation for releasing the past is – I release the past and now move on to create my ideal business.

Affirmations have played a huge part in creating a life and business I love.

More empowering affirmations for business success

EFT for Business | Let go of past business mistakes | Emotional Freedom Techniques

Tap away blocks to success

Try EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques to release the past and focus on creating your ideal business.
If your new to EFT, take a few minutes to check out a couple of my EFT videos so that you can see for yourself how it works and what you need to do.  It’s easy, you just tap on points, mostly around your face.
When you’ve got the hang of it try out this EFT script to let go of the past and create your ideal business.
As you tap the different points you will be working to release the energy and emotions attached to the past and releasing any resistance to creating your ideal business.


Karate Chop – Side of the hand – I let go of all past mistakes now and allow myself to create the business I now want ( repeat 3 times)
Start of the eyebrow – Let go of the past
Side of the eye – Release the past
Under the eye – Release any old beliefs that no longer serve me well
Under the nose – Let go of the past
Chin (under lip) – Release the past
Collar bone – Release any old beliefs that no longer serve me well
Under the arm – Release the past – Release any past mistakes
Top of the head – I release any past mistakes, my own and those of others.  I release the past and move forward now to create my ideal business.

Remember, you can do this.  You are amazing.

You’ve got this.  You can create the business you really want. A shift in mindset, releasing limiting beliefs and what you focus on makes the world of difference.  Save this post to refer back to often and create your ideal business.

If you have any questions, please ask below or contact me via the Facebook group 

Also, if you haven’t already, grab your free IDEAL BUSINESS workbook.


EFT for Business | Affirmations for business | release the past | Create your ideal business

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