Dealing With The Public: Protect Your Company

It can be a whole new ball game if you are a company who has to deal with the public every day. After all, it can bring a wealth of new problems that you might not have had to deal with before. And it can often make or break a company when they have a public-facing company. Therefore, here are some ways to protect your business if you have to deal with the public.

You need to put some security in your store

You never know when a thief is going to strike in your store. After all, you can’t second-guess their movements. And if you don’t have security, you could end up losing a ton of stock. After all, it only takes one moment for you to look away and your items to be a goner. And it can be hard to make a claim if you had a lack of security in the store. For starters, you should always have a CCTV camera in the store. Make sure you advertise you have one as it can stop potential thieves. After all, you will have footage of them which you can pass on to the police. Also, you might want to put your till right by the door. That way, you will see exactly who is going in and out of your store. You should also ensure the door is properly locked and fit an alarm. That way, you can sleep easy that your store is protected during closing hours.

Dealing With The Public: Protect Your Company

Ensure you are protected if they make a claim

There’s always a risk when you have a customer-focused business that you might have customers who will make a claim against your company. After all, if they come to your store and accidentally fall, they might go down the compensation route. And you often have little to stand on if it happened in your building. It can send you down a bad path as you might have to pay out a lot of money. And not only can it leave you heading for bankruptcy, but it could damage your reputation too. Therefore, you should ensure you have things like public liability insurance in place which you can get via companies like Be Wiser Business Insurance. That way, if someone did make a claim, you have the funds to pay them. And you can limit the damage that will occur!

Help your staff to feel safe in the store

You want your staff to come to work feeling they are safe. After all, you don’t want them to have to fear for their lives! Therefore, to ensure your staff are safe when dealing with the public, you should put a few measures in place. For starters, you should always have a code word which means your staff member feels intimidated by a member of the public. You might also want to fit a panic button which connects straight with the police. That way, if they were alone in the store, they can press this quickly to get some help!

And remember if you have a larger store, a security officer is a must. Not only can they quickly stop potential thieves, but they can keep you all safe from angry customers!

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