It’s time to quit moaning and go shine. You are amazing!

Okay before I start, I just want to point out that I really do care about people, and especially you as your hear reading this blog, Thank you, I appreciate you being here.

I care about you. But sometimes in life you have to just tell it as it is. So quit the moaning and keep it to yourself.  Better still quit moaning and go SHINE!

Quit Moaning and Go Shine

Let’s do one of my famous law of attraction reminders.  

The law of attraction draws to you what you focus on the most.

So with that in mind it really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that when we moan, we focus on what we don’t like and don’t want.

[tweetthis]Quit moaning. All it does is help you attract things you don’t want. [/tweetthis]

We don’t need friends who moan

Seriously we don’t, we really all need to ditch those friends that moan all the time, they’re no good for us or we need to have the QUIT Moaning talk with them.  Believe me it’s good for them too.

Here’s what happens when we moan

When we moan we focus on what we don’t want and what we don’t like and the law of attraction starts working to draw that to you.  We become a vibrational match for stuff we don’t like or want.

What happens when we allow others to moan around us

They become a vibrational match for negative stuff and if we’re not extremely careful we jump right into their negative bubble along with them and we become a vibrational match for the stuff we don’t want.


We’re all getting sucked into other people’s negative bubbles.  Okay, well we’re not all getting sucked in and I hope you’re not.

Here are my tips to stay out of other people’s negative bubbles

  1. Have the quit moaning talk
  2. Introduce positive talk with them and hope they jump into your positive bubble
  3. Walk away
  4. Accept, it’s who they are and just work on keeping your vibes positive
  5. Repeat this statement ~ It’s not my truth.

And above all else QUIT MOANING yourself.  I know it’s tempting, it really is but take a look at the bigger picture and see how it impacts your life.

If you really feel the need, go for a 3 minute BMW ~ Bitch ~ Moan ~ Whine and get it all out your system.  Then get focused on what you want.

Over to you

Have you found this helpful? Do you have anyone in your life you need to have the Quit Moaning talk to?  Is it sometimes you?

If you want to boost your positive vibes and surround yourself with positive people come an join my on-line Law of Attraction Bootcamp

Click this Special link HERE and I’ll send you a special limited time discount.

Love and Happiness

Wendy xx



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13 thoughts on “It’s time to quit moaning and go shine. You are amazing!

  1. Hooray! HOORAY for you having the courage to get this out there! I am an optimist by nature but being around folks who are pessimistic about nearly everything can drag you down….rapidly! These tips are TERRIFIC!! Thank you!!!

  2. I love this post and it is so true, although we all simmered forget. We attract into our lives aha we hold in mind.

    Thank you for a great post

  3. I’ll always remember the book by Carolyn Myss called “Why People Don’t Heal And How They Can.” It’s about people relating together over their problems and challenges. People bond over catastrophe and yes bitching and moaning. Doesn’t work as far as healing goes.

  4. Really enjoyed reading this post Wendy. I found myself completely surrounded by negative people a couple of years ago and just couldn’t stand it anymore so ‘weeded my garden’ of them! My life is so much more peaceful now and makes it so much easer living each day reminding myself what a wonderful life I have especially without the negative ninnies! Not heard of BMW before but if I ever slip will definitely use this. Thank you.

  5. Thanks for the comment Nicky. BMW comes from my Law of Attraction training. It works brilliantly. Clearing out the negative people in your life really does make a huge difference. xx

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